A Lemon in Water

 A Lion in Winter?

2 lemons on 2 round corkboards

A seasonal harvest, of course, but the "roar" a lemon "plays" inside the body is Alkaline, not Acidic!

Lemons, limes, and tomatoes are acidic by nature, but once the body gets at them, they're alkalizing.  In addition to their wondrous aromatic gifts, lemons are antiseptic and help with digestion.  Heard about drinking a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism, wake your kidneys, and cleanse your liver?  Well, you can also use the juice directly on your face as skin cleanser and brightener.  Lemon juice is full of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and Vitamin C.  Test a small area for skin sensitivity first.  You may prefer to dilute with water.  In high school, we used lemon juice along with the sun to lighten our hair!  Admit it.  Some of you must remember that?!

Lemons are premium purchases in California.  It seems counterintuitive for a state known for citrus, but lemons are truly golden here.  Sure, you can buy "affordable" bagfuls at stores, but when, where, and how were they grown and picked?

Farmers markets sell organic lemons.  Honk if you've seen them for less than $1 a piece!

A friend in Marina del Rey with a lemon tree lets me fill a bag every now and then, sharing his neighbors' sentiment that they all have more than they can handle!  The irony!  Make no mistake. Picked-from-tree lemons are AMAZING!  And my friend doesn't spray them, so leaving slices in my water, zesting, and even eating the intentionally non-toxic rind is OK by me!  I wouldn't do any of this with a non-organic lemon rind.  Toxins build up in the rind.  It's always a good idea to wash and scrub your little treasure using a vegetable wash or with a little white vinegar and baking soda.

Lemon Ginger Honey

This stuff is meant to ail colds and sore throats, but it's darn good in tea or in hot water.  I know what you're thinking ... I'll mix it with vodka!  


  • glass jar with lid
  • local organic raw honey
  • ginger root
  • organic lemons

Slice the lemons as thinly as possible in rounds.  Peel and sliver the ginger root.  Alternate layers of lemon rounds and ginger slices until jar is full.  Cover completely with honey.  Store in the fridge.


~It's Me Heather Lea

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